Customer Care –
Telephone Skills

The Learning Challenge

You’ve been asked to design a short training session to support managers to have meaningful conversations with staff about customer care in healthcare. You are looking for a video resource to help bring this topic to life and create engagement and discussion for your learners. You want a resource that you can a) use during a training session and b) would also work as a stand-alone resource for staff that can’t attend the session but need to complete the training.

The Solution

Alisha is anxious about a change to her medication. She was expecting a call back from Loxenbury MHT yesterday. She phones back and speaks to Susan. In the Getting it Wrong scene we see Susan handling the situation badly with a lack of empathy and care. In the Better Approach, Susan not only demonstrates empathy and care but takes appropriate and timely action to help Alisha.


  • Easy to use
  • Available when you need it
  • Includes a facilitator guide so you can plan your session and make full use of the video resource and delegate worksheets enabling you to monitor and manage progress by self-directed learners and facilitated groups.

Also includes Empathy-Care-Action, our easy-to-use model for compassion at work.

3 Day Access


7 Day Access


30 Day Access


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